Friday, May 8, 2009

R.I.P. Scrubs

This is a comment left on the Scrubs message board that embodies what I think of the series. I've taken creative liberties with it. I'm awesome so it's probably better than what the original post was. If you want to see who/where the original post came from just google Scrubs and go to the ABC page and read the message board and find it.

Imagine you had a friend –

a dear good friend for the last eight years. A friend who had a beer with you on your couch and told you stories; funny and sad. Again and again. Who picked you up even after your girlfriend dumped you, or distracted you from your worries, or made you and that new exciting girl you had just met giggle about his jokes. Whenever you needed, whenever you wanted, he’d been there.

Eight years. Enough time for me to go through a lot of what life has to offer. Almost eight years of studies, endless papers to write, boring hours in the class or the library or just bored on the net.

And all this time, I had this friend. A friend that only existed for a little over 20 minute periods: Scrubs IS that friend. So many enjoyable hours, so many laughs! And all those sad moments. Moments that made you cry cathartically. Moments that made you laugh hysterically. This show will hold a special place in my heart. As the show ends, my life is also in a transitional period. I’m working for MLB, I'm another year older...I still have a beer get it.

So this friend is leaving. I always knew that it couldn’t last and that he would have to eventually tell me his last story. And so the memory remains.

I thank you, Bill Lawrence, and your crew, and all the actors. Thank you for creating this friend!

I have found that with memories, not unlike photography, each phase of life seems to have its own colors. My life will definitely be Scrubs-colored and, as I will watch the show on DVD or the net, in the years to come, my memories will surge back. Memories of the time, the place and the all that was going on as each Scrubs episode resonated with at least something going on in my life at the time....And the music.

More importantly, I'll never forget that friend with the 20-23 minute life span.

Goodbye Scrubs! Take care!

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